Mandatory general annual inspection


Instructions for periodic inspections shall include inter alia: 

  • A recommendation for the frequency of periodic inspections, taking into account factors such as regulation, the type of equipment, frequency of use, and environmental conditions. This recommendation shall include a clause stating that the periodic inspection should be conducted at least once every twelve months;
  • A warning to emphasise that periodic inspections should be carried out by a competent person in strict compliance with the manufacturer periodic inspection procedures.




Harnesses, belts, lanyards, ropes, energy absorbers, non removable reels (e.g. AN102), connectors, components of our kits (except ELARA270), temporary anchors (tripod, LV201 ...)
Removable reels, rescue equipment (e.g. TC013)
Révision mécanique


Network of service centres

Vérification visuelle
Visual inspection
Vérification mécanique
Mechanical inspection - Europe
Vérification mécanique
Mechanical inspection - out of Europe



Schedule the inspection

1. Microchip
A microchip, read by NFC, is placed below fall protection PPE’s labels. Almost all smartphones have the NFC (Near Field Communication).

2. Mobile app
Free download of APP DELTA PLUS «ID CARD» to read and write the product traceability.


Users can manage the cycle life of its PPE fall protection portofolio, programming the review, the end of life, the optimal stock.





How to schedule the annual inspection

Schedule of annual inspection